
Gamergate is a movement against female in the video game culture.  It started in late 2014 when a video game developer Zoe Quinn start receiving threat through twitter, and people start using the #gamergate to discriminate women from the gaming world.  They constantly receiving death threat saying that they will attack them when they went out and even at the speech at the University.  They does not receive the help that they need from the police when they was threaten even though they have enough evidence that it could happen.  Why does people tried to push feminist away from the video game industry?

Shopping at Ross Dress for Less

The Ross Dress for Less clothes store in Avondale, Arizona attract people of all ages. You will see people from different ethnicity, genders and ages came to this store to shop. Peoples who have work hard the entire week came to shop on their break days. Young girls shop with their mother, single people coming to find an outfit that would fit to go on a date, student who save moneys to get some new clothes. The store’s merchandise is affordable and contains many different styles and sizes that would fit many people. Residents who live around the neighborhood came to the store to find some new clothing items. From a college student who dresses simple for their class to a professional office worker who is seeking attire that is affordable and appropriate for work. The store is trying to get the customer’s attention by displaying the merchandise in a certain location, having items for everyone and know that they all needed it well allow them to be able to sell it, and trying to keep the customer inside the store longer will let them check out more merchandise which lead to more sell that bring benefit to the store.


The main goal of a store is to be able to sell merchandise to the customer. Clothing is something that everyone needed and wear every day whether going out or sleeping. It protect everyone privacy and keep you warm from the cold weather. It come with all sorts of shapes, colors, and sizes that could fit everyone. Ross atmosphere is similar to an office room full of employee working hard in a company. There are many department in the store even though it was a clothes store. The store was separated into two side, one is for female cloth and the other one is for male, therefore it is easy for the costumers to figure out where they should go to find what they need. The clothing department is for teenager, adult, or parent to find what they need or for their kids. There is also a baby and kids clothing section in the back of the store, which is next to the toys section. Therefore when parent brought their kids there to try on some cloth, the kids would most likely to have their eyes on the toys and will tried to make their parents buy it for them.


Ross Dress for Less having displace at the entrance inside of the store to get the customer attention, and tried to sell items that would be popular for the season. There is nothing displayed in front of the store, but once you enter the store they have items that is fit for the holidays that is coming and displayed it close to the entrance so that the customer would notice it upon entering the store. Right after I enter the store, I know that there are a lot of pink and red items that was display on the shelf since Valentine is coming up. Walking straight into the middle of the store is female clothe, which is what the store focus on more. The store display more female clothing items then for male. The item was hanging on the stand and was scatter everywhere, so it take time to tried to find the size that you need for a certain items. In ‘The Signs of Shopping’ (1993), writer, Anne Norton states that “It provided an occasion for women to spend long stretches of time in the company of their friends, without the presence of their husbands”, which let women spend a little of time by themselves shopping and get something that they want with the moneys that they work so hard to earn all week. Ross is not like a store like Macy’s in a mall where cloth was display at a certain place and with different sizes together so that it was easier for people to find what they need. Sometime you have to go around and tried to find the size for that items that you want. On the left size there is a hair pin, makeup, nail polish, belt and wallet and purse section this play together because when female are looking for one of them they could be interested in the other items as well. Going in further there is a high heel and shoe section right next to all the makeup and clothing section which go together with all of the others items.

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It would always taking longer then you would expect to find what you need at Ross because the merchandise was displays randomly, which would cause you to look at other items too while looking for what you want. After I enter the store I headed straight to the female clothing section because I know that if I want to try to observe and learn about a shopper behavior that would be a great place to find. After going around a few minutes I found this lady wearing a white legging with a long and black sleeve looking and going through all sorts of different type of sleeve and shirt in the female clothing section. What I know is that she is looking at the quality of the items and tried to make sure that the items is not damage or dirty since the items was display randomly there is a change that the item have been damage. After the quality check, she went to look at the price and tried to make sure that the price is reasonable and does it worth it to buy it with this price. Malcolm Gladwell from the essay ‘The Science of Shopping’ (1996) said that purchaser “spent an average of eleven minutes and twenty-seven seconds in the store, non-purchasers two minutes and thirty-six seconds”, but when going to Ross it would take longer for the customer to shop because all the items was place randomly and even a non-purchasers take longer than two minutes to shop at Ross Dress for Less.
I have the experience to learn about the shopper behavior while shopping while doing this essay. I have went to Ross many time but I have never really pay attention to the details and have the thought while does the store decide to place this section here. While working on the essay and going out to observe the behavior and action of the customer I not only learn about the customer but I have also learn about the store itself. I have learned that the reason they place an items in a certain places is to be able to get attention from the customer. By placing items that fit the other items would help the store increase in sell since it is catching the customer interested. I have also learned the lesson of paying attention to details would help me understand why a person did a certain things and how could it help that person in general.


Malcolm, G. (1996, November 4). The Science of Shopping. The New Yorker.
Maasik, S., & Solomon, J. (1994). Consuming Passions. In Signs of life in the U.S.A.: Readings on popular culture for writers (Seventh ed., p. 106). Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press.

Was English Hard?

When I first start attending this class, I thought this is new and different then my former English class that I took before. I was actually having difficulty in English class since I come from another country and it is not my first language.  English 101 is my first class at University of Advancing Technology, and I know that it will be hard for me to keep up with it since the very beginning.  Even though I am having trouble with the class, I have also learned some new material that I have never used before in English class.  This class helps me understand that it is important to focus a hundred percent on the writing and make sure to proofread before publishing it.  I have learned some new skills from this class but also having difficulty and need to work harder on it.

It is my first time creating a blog, and I think it is a great idea to create a blog, so that you can share your work and getting feedback from other classmate.  Not only that but I can also talk about my major, what I like in the blog and communicate with other students.  This is a new experience for me and I think that it was a great idea to help students revised their work.  I am a student who does not like to show my work to other because I do not have confidence in my work, but the blog assignment make me have to show it to other and get review from it.  It help me to be more open and let other people gave their opinion to my work so I could fix my mistake and become a better writer.

I have always having difficulty in grammar and get my idea into my writing.  I have always heard from my past English teacher that I have great idea but I could not get through with what I want to talk about and confused the reader.  I always have this idea in my head but I could not put it into the correct words and that is what make me struggle.  Writing is not an easy things to do, because having an idea and putting it into your own words is much more difficult than I imagine.  Taking more time writing little by little could help improve my work, since I always tried to force the text into my writing it become confused and I lose my thought and did badly on my writing.

Plagiarism is one of the most important things in writing.  I was also having a hard time trying to not plagiarism but I did make mistake and did not cited the sources.  I have learned how to source my work, and gave credit to the writer who gave me the idea to put into my work.  I have working really carefully and make sure that I gave credit to the originally writer and cited their work in my final essay and let the reader know that this person is the writer of this quotes.  This is a skill that could help me in the future to make my writing more professional and learn not to still another person voices and used it as your own.

I learn that the class is actually hard for me since I still need help in English subject.  I realize that I have to get tutoring on English to help me write better.  The job that I want to get required me to write a report, therefore I could use some of the skill to make my report more professional and accurate.  I have learned that letting other people reading your work and gave opinion on it could help me write better.  I realize it when I did my final essay when I have another classmate revised my work, and I could see a lot of things that is wrong in the essay and make changes to it.  Overall the class was hard for me but I will work harder on it and make sure I understand all the material and get help when I need it.


Final Essay

 HIV/AIDs Effect on Humanity

Livia Nguyen

University of Advancing Technology

 HIV/AIDS Effect on Humanity

The number of people who are infected by HIV/AIDS has increased rapidly, the three big problems these people face are negative stigma, discrimination and gender orientation discrimination. People who carry HIV/AIDS are fighting not only against the disease but also human prejudice because they have HIV. The discrimination could lead to death rather than the disease itself. People who is not infected with HIV/AIDS have to know how to treat other peoples with kindness, and respect them even though they are having HIV/AIDS.  The reader must know that they are already suffering on the inside but with other peoples judging them it could become bad.  People have no right to discriminate against those with HIV/AIDS because they have never wanted this disease and they have already suffered.

People who suffered from HIV/AIDS are fighting against stigma from themselves and people who does not have HIV/AIDS. Bertie Ahern, a formal Irish politician stated that people living with HIV think negatively and prejudice is keeping people from getting HIV test. (Ahern, 2007)  Researchers are making a survey to know how people with HIV feel toward the stigma and according to the survey, “HIV claiming discrimination by a doctor and 34% by a dentist.” Irene Mirembe stated that stigma has a negative effect on people that has been infected with HIV/AIDS, (Mirembe, 2010) stigma comes from “culture, personal social fears, denial, misconceptions, myths and religious beliefs” which can affect HIV positive victims.  People who have HIV are living with stigma think negatively and feel like they are not allowed to be around people who is not infected by HIV/AIDS. They were suffering by them self even without the discrimination from others because of stigma but they are still being discriminated against.

Those who are suffering from discrimination are likely to give up to the disease and lose their life because they are being isolated from the other peoples.  Winifred Ogbebo stated that “Discrimination and not the virus itself that will kill the victims.” (Ogbebo, 2014). Women and children are afraid to get care because they worry that people would recognize them.  They don’t want other people to know because they don’t want to be isolated from others like their own family members.  Leigh Robinson said that “Although discrimination on grounds of HIV infection is illegal under the Disability Discrimination Act – many people living with HIV face unfair treatment at work. “(Robinson, 2007). Discrimination is what scare the victims the most instead of the disease itself.  People still receive unfair treatment at work even though the Disability Discrimination Act is established.  Being discriminated against make those who has been infected lose hope to continue living and they want to give up. The infected person believe that no one wants them to be around, therefor they discriminated themselves against the peoples.

National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) is an organization that gave opportunity to women and girls who has health problem and research on health subject, (NWLC, 2014) NWLC added that “people living with HIV/AIDS may be refused care or treated in a discriminatory manner because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV status.”  Even though a person is still being discriminated against because they have HIV, they should be allowed to get treatment without being differentiate from a person that is not infected. Transgender people are being discriminated against both from the uninfected peoples and the treatment organizations because of their gender orientation. Peoples who are gay or lesbian are being discriminated against more than just a person with HIV/AIDS.  It is unfair for peoples to discriminate against those peoples who are sick, and are affected by HIV/AIDS because they don’t have a choice in the matter.

People are ignorant of those infected with HIV/AIDS and their feelings. They need support from even a stranger, and all they could do for them is treating them like they would treat everyone else. Those who are infected have a hard time with the disease already, but being discriminated against by others could make a big impact on them emotionally. They are fighting against stigma within themselves plus the discrimination could drive them into a state of giving up hope to live. Discrimination is the biggest problem, and has been so, for a very long time, but it has not been fixed yet.  A person’s life can be saved or help that person live longer by treating them like they are not infected.  Treating them like a family members and let them know that it is too soon to give up. Encourage them to get help, and make them feel comfortable and trust you, showing them that you are trust worthy by your action.


Ahern, B. (2007, November 30). HIV stigma stops people getting tested. Retrieved December 15, 2014, from

Mirembe, I. (2010, September 9). There is Urgent Need to Eliminate HIV/Aids Stigma. Retrieved December 15, 2014, from

Ogbebo, W. (2014, December 1). HIV/Aids – Stigmatization, Discrimination Remain Greatest Challenge. Retrieved December 15, 2014, from

Robinson, L. (2007, November 30). Be aware about HIV in the workplace. Retrieved December 15, 2014, from

Health Care Refusals Harm Patients: The Threat to LGBT People and Individuals Living with HIV/AIDS. (2014, May 21). Retrieved December 15, 2014, from

Round Up

Computer Forensic is an investigation and analysis techniques that was used to find evidence on any computing device.  There are two type of Computer Forensic investigation, which is Law Enforcement and Corporate.  Law enforcement is a more complicated process since the investigator have to follow the law, and need a consent to start their searching.  While Corporate is a private investigation therefor if the company are giving permission the investigator are allow to start their searching on evidence for a certain cases.  Evidence handling is really important in Computer Forensic field because once their is a change on the evidence, it become unaffected to used it in court.  It is easy to make changes on any computing devices therefor it is important to make sure that what you do will not effect the evidence.  Since technology evidence cannot be seen by the judge as a forensic examiner have to take the evidence from it an put it in a report, with clarification that the evidence is truth and the original one.

AD Analysis

Smoking is one of the problem that parents is worry about because their kids could be inhaling the smoke that could be unhealthy for their children.

The ad show a child face is being cover in smoke.  The smoke is flowing into their nose and mouse and based on the expression of the child, he is suffering from it.  This ad is an anti-smoking ad that is telling peoples who smoke that it is bad for your own health but it is also bad for kids since they are still young, inhaling could made them sick.  Peoples who are smoking is addicted to it and is hard to stop smoking.  Cigarette was introduce to human during the 1960’s, since then peoples who are smoking increase everyday.  Peoples who smoke know that it is bad for their health but once they start smoking it is hard to stop even if they are trying too, smoking could be consider an addiction because you are craving for it.  Peoples who are stress out also use cigarette as a way to release stress, and teen who are trying to fit in with the other friends by smoking.  Smoking could cause death but they keep on smoking because they are addicted to it, the ad is telling those peoples to get help and stop smoking for the future of the other children out there including their own children.

My grandfather from my dad side is a smoker and he pass away due to his bad lung condition, I still remember seeing all the boxes of cigarette that he have used staking up.  My grand father from my mom side is also a smoker before but since his health went bad and his grand children was born he stop smoking,  I have never see him smoking in my entire life.  My father is also trying to stop smoking but he is still craving for it but he tried to go outside and avoid smoking in front my brother who just turn three years old this year.

My Possessions

Possessions can let others know someone’s interested and personality without using words to describe it.  Words is not everything human always need to let others peoples know more about them.  A possessions can be a symbol for something that is important for you that connected you to someone.

A possession give a sense of security and stability to everyone.  When losing something you possess you fell like anything can be living you including the peoples that you love make you feel insecure.  If the possessions was taken by someone then I would feel really mad and angry because it is unreasonable to be taking something important that belong to someone else.  If my possessions was taken or destroyed due to natural disaster then I might be able to let it go because I know that it also happen to other peoples out there and I am not the only one who is losing something important.

My possession was placed unorganized and simple because I know that I won’t be leaving here for a long time, therefor making it pretty would be useless.  My room is dark most of the time because I always feel like someone is watching me when the light is on therefor I would keep my light off unless I needed to do homework on paper or reading a book.  The possession that is really important to be is my computer because I have always love technology but since I was leaving in Vietnam for a while I can not afford a computer even though I wanted it.  I received my first computer during my freshmen year of high school because my mom know that I would need a computer to do my homework.  She is working hard to make moneys to bought me this computer therefor even though the computer is broken right now I still keep it in my room because it is important to me and the computer has help me  a lot during my high school years.

The Internet’s Feeling


Role: Internet

Audience: Internet User

Format: Journal

Topic: Expressing Feeling

To: Humans

From: Internet

Date: October 3, 2014

Re: Expressing Feelings

My name is Internet, a global system that allow human to link devices worldwide.  I have been working for human for the past 45 years.  I was treated as a treasure during the late 60s and only the Government can asked for help from me.  As time change I was open up for every human to use me as a tool to communicate, looking for resources, and making task easier.  I was created to help human completed their task faster and more convenience.  I can help peoples communicating from one country to another without having to actually go there.  I help scientist to get the ideas of how to created many technology devices and make the future brighter.  When I am sick, peoples get frustrated and angry because they cannot do the task that they want to without me.  I could get sick because many peoples are using me at the same time, which created traffic and slow me down.  I want to be able to make task easier for human and wish that they have a little patient when I am sick.  I will try my best to get better and continue working on the task that was giving as soon as possible.

A Way of Life

The place was full of life and joy.  People gather at night to have a chat and laughing together as if they are a family.  Relative living close to each other to have the sense of family like a bird can’t live their net.  When there are new family moving peoples come over to welcome them and introducing them.  The neighbor is cover with small snack place and street food pass by every day and all days long.  Little kids are waiting for little vending passing by who sell chips, candy, and ice cream.  The smiles appear on their face when they were able to eat the foods that they want and play the games that they like.  Less than a miles away there was a food market that sell fresh food all days, peoples gather at the market early in the morning hoping to get their hand on the freshest food of the day for their family.

“Where I’m From”

I am from water bottle,

from hydrogen and Oxygen molecule.

I am from the liquid in the refrigerators.

Clear, blue,

It tasted like nothing.

I am from the river

the ocean

whose has big wave hitting the rock

as if they were raging.

I am from the Sunday night dinner and humor

from Hien Nguyen and Khanh Giap

I’m from the respectful

And honest

from always takes responsible for what you did wrong ,

being respectful toward everyone

I’m from Catholicism

whose believe to know, love and served God

I’m from Vietnam,

rice and rice noodle

from the person who fight for the United State,

the women whose love her children.

Inside a personal closet was a box

sitting old pictures,

that colors is starting to faded

and black and white color

I am from this place

On the other side of the world

that was poor and strict.